Pick-up Impression

Prosthetics parts of the system has shown in great performance in:

The prosthetics parts are made out of titanium grade 5 called as Ti-6AL-4V-Eli
   (ASTM F136). Due to its high mechanical stability this titanium alloy has been
   widely used around the globe for prosthetic parts.

Excellent external and internal design, considering to prevent the stress
   concentration in prosthetic parts against loading.

The prosthetic parts have high manufacturing tolerance, with a minimal
   gap along the abutment surface with fixture, and has shown an ideal
  performance in fitting test.

The connection of all of the prosthetic parts is resistant to micromotion,
   and the screws has minimal deflection during loading.

We are providing the prosthetic parts in regular line, with double morse 11
   degrees, Hex 2.5 mm, and M2 set screw, while the connection in narrow line
   is double morse 11 degrees, Hex 1.7 mm, and M1.4 set screw.